10 Reasons You Need to Buy Renters Insurance

If you are a Renter, here are 10 Great Reasons to buy Renters Insurance!

1) If your apartment catches fire your lost personal property can be replaced without digging into savings, and it can pay for rental housing elsewhere while the apartment is being repaired

2) If your apartment fire causes your landlord, or neighbors, to suffer a loss and they sue you, your Insurance company will defend you up to the Limits of Liability

3) If someone sues you for monetary damages for some other reason, and you haven’t done anything illegal, you have Insurance company money on the table

4) Your personal property (subject to your deductible) is protected while you are away from home, like in your car, or when traveling

5) You can get cross line discounts on your auto insurance, which will save you money while protecting more of your stuff!, Depending on how expensive your auto insurance is, your Renters Insurance might even be FREE!

6) It gives you peace of mind to know you have the funds to recover from a loss, so you can concentrate on making money, and not losing it!

7) Having the funds readily available to replace others lost items will reduce the strain on your personal relationships with them

8) It is being required by more and more apartment communities every day

9) You will be considered, by most adults, wise and responsible for having it, but more importantly…

10) Its VERY inexpensive,

If you would like more information, or I can provide you with a quote, please visit our website, www.trowbridgeinsurance.com, or give us a call (650) FARMERS (327-6377)! also 650-876-9600


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